Sunday, September 14, 2008

Well doesn't THIS just break your heart? (put pic of violin and music here)...

According to insiders, Fuld, 62, has for months barely left his den for longer than a few hours: he's worked from 5am to 2am most days fighting to defend the bank at
which he has spent his entire working life.

Lehman Brothers is going to go bust... awwww... I feel for them... Wonder if Fuld is going to be homeless over this? NOT!

They write about him like some hero because he can't find someone to buy up a company that's based on bad mortgages... DUH... he is in charge, are you telling me that he didn't know they weren't any good and were high risk? Wow... that's just too, too, bad for old Fuld, now isn't it?

Fuld announced a radical plan to split the bank into two, effectively separating the healthy investment bank from around two-thirds of its $41.8bn of toxic real estate assets which would be sold off to its investors

He has 41.8 BILLION in bad paper (mortgages) and NO BODY thought they weren't any good before now? Not the realtors or banks who were upselling people over their income levels? Nobody at all? And what is he going to do? Well, he's going to sell all that to....

Oh wait, no one wants it unless US TAX PAYERS pony up a 48 BILLION dollar guarantee on paper that is ALREADY PROVEN not worth the ink used to print it (especially giving the price of crude oil theses days).

And that will be ON TOP of the 200 Billion already going to Fannie and Freddie. Thats enough for eight more attom smashers! Or they could just hand over $100,000 against the mortgages of 480,000 (nearly half a million homes!) OR if they only handed over $50,000, it would be close to a million homes... but do we want to do that? NO... lets give it to some british bank to get them to buy up the homes that will surely be forclosed instead.

Holy cow! How determined is the government to keep helping the rich get richer? The 200 Billion that is being spent on Freddie would cover $50k to 4 MILLION mortgages. Instead, they'll be paying it to the "poor bank" who got stuck with foreclosed homes.

Now, what will poor, poor, poor, over worked Fuld be left with after his fire sale? A totally solvent bank that gets to "put all that behind them"... WHAT, I'm still paying taxes on the few minimum wage jobs I get and the government is going to hand it to some idiot to get them to buy him out of HIS mistakes? This is where all that "bail out" money is going... to the businesses who made the mess. What do home owners get? Certified councelors who hand you over to the bank (well, just everything you say) lock, stock and barrel!

I hope I'm in that portfolio! I think since I'm technically filed against in court (we'll see when someone bothers to send me even a note about the whole thing)... I should get to take SOME credit.

My property isn't worth squat because the foreclosures in my county are up 650% in the last two years. Yes, a county who once had 120 foreclosures is on target this year to break 800 easily. AND that's just foreclosures... that doesn't count the short sales (for less than appraised value)... Even if I had a perfect mansion I'd be screwed.... sure am glad I didn't get to a whole lot of fixin'up on this 'fixer-upper', since it would have been money flushed right down the toilet.

Again... if you're having trouble... google "jingle mail" and don't get yourself screwed like I am right now. The entire economy has sunk because a few big guys wanted to get rich selling a shill game... now they're going to walk away, or WORSE we tax payers are going to pay someone to buy them out of their mess!

If they're doing that, why in the world shouldn't you? I can't begin to tell you how I wish I would have.

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